Qualifications 入會資格:
Anyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior, is born again, has been baptized, and is not a current member of any church in the Greater Dallas area, may submit an application to become a member. 凡相信主耶穌基督,重生得救,並已接受水禮,在達拉斯及緊鄰郡區其它教會無 籍者,皆可申請為本教會會友。
A person who has attended the Church's worship services regularly for a period of six months or more. 申請人參加教會經常聚會達六個月以上。
A person who has been recommended by two members, interviewed by the pastor or elders and deacons, and approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Deacons, then becomes a member of the church. 經會友二人之介紹,並牧師或長執約談,交執事會三分之二通過後,得加入為本教 會為會友。
“As a born again Christian, I recognize that in establishing His church, God's purpose is to provide an opportunity for His children to worship Him, to learn His Word, to fellowship together, and to reach out for evangelism. I hereby agree to abide with the constitution of the church, to follow the spiritual leadership of the church, and to exercise the responsibilities as a member in order to glorify the name of God and for His church to grow.”
“本人身為蒙恩得救基督徒,深知 神設立教會,為叫信徒經常聚會敬拜,學習真道,過肢 體生活,興旺福音,領人歸主。本人願意接納教會屬靈的帶領,遵守本教會會章,履行會友 義務,使教會興旺榮耀神的名。”